WARNING!!! Corners button contains flashing colors!


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Prompt 3: The first thing I tried to do after reading the flashing lights warning was immediately click on the corners button to see what it did. What made me feel like I was playing was how the different brushes when used together could essentially make interesting images. After learning how to use the three brushes, my small goal was to create a pattern of colors using brown in the corners, the red and blue reticles along with the main focus being the color changing circle brush. I did not really spend time trying to break it other than by rapidly clicking my mouse to see how fast the corner brush would update color. As the reticle brush changed between red and blue colors, my immediate thought process was to see how to use those two colors to draw something interesting using the reticles as a shape. I started out with just abstract shapes but ended up with an interesting flashing image with a clear left and right side when I finished up and used the corner brush for animation. I still don’t think I had a story when I played the game and was more just playing along like an open world exploration game wondering what things would look like if I tried to draw a line in a specific way using a certain brush. The game having different brush options as well as the color changing circle brush gives many options to support play with or without a goal in mind.